Refund and Returns Policy

Returns Policy

Return conditions

  • Products no more than 30 days from the date you receive the goods from us
  • The product is unused, unwashed and undamaged.
  • Has labels, packaging and purchase invoice
  • Products and accompanying gifts (if any)

Transport fee

All shipping costs during the return process are your responsibility and we do not refund these costs upon completion.

We are not responsible for returns lost or damaged in the mail.


You contact us about your needs via email or phone number. Once we receive your request and confirm your eligibility for an exchange, we will check the inventory status and notify you.

Damaged products will not be returned

Refund method (if any)

All returns will be processed through your credit account or original payment method and the transaction will be processed within a certain number of days. Please wait.

Order is lost or damaged

Unfortunately your order was lost or damaged, we are very sorry for this. Please contact us at email address, we will try to help you to the best of our ability.

Return restrictions

We will not accept returns if we notice unusual patterns or returns do not comply with our Returns Policy, or if the returned item is different from the original return request, or the return item is does not match the order you placed, in which case we may have to refuse your parcel.

In certain cases, we may need to deactivate your account and any related accounts to prevent repeat misconduct and ensure fairness among customers.


Refund Policy

Refund conditions

The order has been placed successfully but the product has not been received on time

The product you receive is damaged

The product is not delivered according to the order

Within 30 days from the date you receive the goods from us.

The product is unused, unwashed and not damaged due to your fault

Storage packaging, invoice and accompanying products (if any)

Refund time

You have 30 days from the date of delivery to return the product for a full refund or exchange. We will arrange the return and process a full refund for the defective item. But if 30 days have passed since your purchase, unfortunately we cannot refund or exchange the item. Your item must be unused and in the same condition as when you received it.

Note: This refund will deduct shipping costs if the return is for your reasons.

Late refund

If after the notification date you still have not received the money, do not worry but check your account again because it may be due to an error in the banking system that has not been updated. If not, after checking and waiting you still have not received your item, please contact us at: [email protected]

Change or cancel orders

Within 24 hours from when you place your order. If you have a request, please contact us as soon as possible so we can resolve it promptly.

Contact us

Phone number:+1 205-779-3601

Email: [email protected]